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Which Translation of Romance of the Three Kingdoms Should I Read?

Romance of the Three Kingdoms, one of China’s greatest literary masterpieces, has fascinated readers for centuries with its epic tales of warfare, intrigue, and heroism. If you’re eager to dive into this 14th-century classic but don’t read Chinese, you might be wondering: Which English translation should you choose?

Attributed to Luo Guanzhong, Romance of the Three Kingdoms is best described as a historical novel. It tells the story of the fall of the Han Dynasty in the latter decades of the second century AD, as well as the struggle between the Wei, Shu, and Wu kingdoms in the third century. This period of Chinese history is well-known for its stories of courageous warriors and cunning leaders, making Romance of the Three Kingdoms a captivating read.


Beyond its gripping narrative, the novel has not only shaped Chinese culture and literature but has also inspired countless adaptations in popular media, from films and TV shows to video games. Understanding its key themes—loyalty, betrayal, and the complexities of leadership—offers insight into both the historical and cultural fabric of China.

English Translations: A Comparative Overview

English readers have four options when it comes to translations. The oldest translation was by Charles Henry Brewitt-Taylor in 1925. Now out of copyright, this version has been reprinted several times in a two-volume set, usually with minimal changes. Unfortunately, readers will notice two immediate problems: first, the text contains many typos, including misspellings of basic words like ‘the’; second, the names and places are translated using the Wade–Giles system, a popular system for adapting Mandarin to English in the late 19th and early 20th centuries but no longer widely used. For example, in the Brewitt-Taylor translation, names like Cao Cao and Zhuge Liang are spelled Ts’ao Ts’ao and Chuko Liang.


A new translation did not emerge until 1991, when Moss Roberts, a professor of Chinese at New York University, produced his version. Readers can purchase either a two-volume set containing the full work or a one-volume abridged edition that omits over a couple of dozen chapters. This translation is the most academic of the available versions, with about 100 pages of endnotes, maps, and a long essay by Roberts on the text.

The next translation of Romance of the Three Kingdoms was done by Yu Sumei, a professor of English at East China Normal University. Her three-volume set was published in 2014 but comes with little extras. It seems to be aimed at a more general audience who are perhaps familiar with the story. There are usually only very few foot notes, or none at all, at the end of each chapter.

The most recent translation was published in 2018 by Martin Palmer, as part of the Penguin Classics series. This is also an abridged version, with Palmer explaining that he included only about a third of the text (the book still runs to 617 pages). Unlike Roberts’ abridgement, this one includes at least portions of every chapter, allowing readers to follow the entire story without jumps in the narrative. It should also be noted that this is the least expensive version.

Comparing the Translations

To give you a better idea of these translations, we’ve included a section from one of the more famous episodes of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. In Chapter 4, Cao Cao flees from the capital and is joined by an official named Chen Gong. Together, they stop at the home of Cao Cao’s uncle, hoping to find refuge. The uncle, Lu Boshe, says he is going to the market to get some food, but Cao Cao and Chen Gong overhear his family members planning to kill something. Believing they are about to be murdered, Cao Cao and Chen Gong attack first, killing Lu Boshe’s family. Only afterward do they realize that the family was preparing to slaughter a pig for a feast.


This scene is pivotal in the story and exemplifies a key theme: the danger of mistrust and rash decision-making. Each translator approaches the moment differently, highlighting their unique styles.

Here is how Charles Henry Brewitt-Taylor tells the rest of this story:

They at once mounted and rode away. Soon they met their host coming home and over the saddle in front of him they saw two vessels of wine. In his hands he carried fruits and vegetables.

“Why are you going, Sirs?” he called to them.

“Accused people dare not linger,” says Ts’ao.

“But I have bidden them kill a pig! Why do you refuse my poor hospitality? I pray you ride back with me.”


Ts’ao Ts’ao paid no heed. Urging his horse forward he suddenly drew his sword and rode after Lu.

“Who is that coming along?”

Lu turned and looked back and Ts’ao at the same instant cut him down.

His companion was frightened.

“You were wrong enough before,” cried he. “What now is this?”

“When he got home and saw his family killed, think you he would bear it patiently? If he had raised an alarm and followed us we should have been killed.”

“To kill deliberately is very wrong,” said Ch’en Kung.

“I would rather betray the world then let the world betray me,” was the reply.

Ch’en Kong only thought.

Next is the version translated by Moss Roberts:

The two men hurried from the farm, but before they had ridden half a mile they met their hose on his donkey with two jars of wine suspended from the pommel and fruit and vegetables hanging from one hand. “Dear nephew and honorable sir,” he cried, “why are leaving so suddenly?” “Marked men can’t remain anywhere for long,” answered Cao Cao. “But I told my family to slaughter a pig for your dinner,” Lu Boshe said earnestly. “Don’t begrudge us the night, nephew, nor you, good sir. Turn back, I pray.” But Cao spurred his horse on. Then he turned and dashed back, his sword drawn, calling to Lu Boshe, “Who’s coming over there?” As Boshe looked away Cao Cao cut him down, and he fell from his donkey. Chen Gong was astounded, “What happened at the farm was a mistake – but why this?” “Had he gotten home and seen them he would never have let it lay. He’d have brought a mob after us and we would’ve been done for.” “But you murdered him knowing he was innocent – a great wrong,” Chen Gong asserted. “Better to wrong the world than have it wrong me!” Cao Cao retorted. Chen Gong said nothing.


Here is how Yu Sumei translates the section:

They at once mounted and rode away in a great hurry. But presently they met their host coming home with two vessels of wine hanging down from the saddle and fruit and vegetables in his hands.

“Why are you leaving so soon?” asked the old man.

“Condemned people dare not linger,” said Cao Cao.

“But I have told my folk to kill a pig. Why do you refuse to spend just one night here? Please ride back with me.”

Cao Cao paid no attention but urged his horse forward. Suddenly, however, he drew his sword and rode after the old man.

Who is that coming along?” he called out to his uncle.

The old man turned back to look and at the same instant Cao Cao cut him down from his donkey. His companion was shocked.

“You were wrong enough before,” he cried. “What now is this?”

“When he got home and saw his family killed, do you think he would let the matter drop? If he should raise an alarm and chase after us, we would certainly be in danger.”

“To kill deliberately is very wrong,” said Chen Gong.

“I would rather betray the world than let the world betray me,” was Cao Cao’s reply.

Chen Gong could say nothing.


Finally, here is the newest translation by Martin Palmer:

Distraught, they flee from the house and have only gone about half a mile when they meet their host, Lu Boshe, riding back from his expedition to the village to buy wine. Surprised to see his guests already leaving, he implores them to stay, saying he has ordered a pig to be slaughtered to feed them, and even if hunted men cannot rest long anywhere, they would be safe tonight at least. But Cao Cao brushes past, not saying a word, while the astonished man calls out to him to turn back. Suddenly Cao Cao does exactly that. He turns back, draws his sword and before the terrified old man can say a word, Cao Cao cuts him down. He falls dead from his mount.

Chen Gong is horrified. “What happened back at the house was a terrible accident, but this – this cold blooded murder. Why, why?” he asks.

“Don’t you understand,” Cao Cao answers. “Once he got home and saw what had happened, he would have set up a hue and cry. A mob would have come after us and they would have killed us.”

“But to murder an innocent man is wrong,” Chen Gong remonstrates.

“I would rather defeat the world than have the world defeat me!” Cao Cao snarls back.

Chen Gong says nothing but broods upon what has happened.

Translation Pros and Cons

Charles Henry Brewitt-Taylor (1925):

  • Pros: The first English translation, offering a direct window into early English interpretations of Chinese classics.
  • Cons: Contains numerous typos and outdated name spellings (Wade-Giles), which may confuse modern readers.

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Moss Roberts (1991):

  • Pros: The most academic and comprehensive, with extensive notes, maps, and essays for deeper understanding.
  • Cons: May feel too scholarly for readers looking for a more accessible version.

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Yu Sumei (2014)

  • Pros: Offers a clear and straightforward translation, making it a good choice for casual readers or those new to Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
  • Cons: Lacks the in-depth annotations and scholarly apparatus found in the Moss Roberts translation, which might be a drawback for readers looking for more detailed historical context.

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Martin Palmer (2018):

  • Pros: Affordable and highly readable, offering a concise version of the story with at least portions from each chapter.
  • Cons: Abridged, so it may not satisfy readers looking for a complete experience.

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If you’re a scholar or someone who wants to dive deep into the nuances of this epic, the Moss Roberts translation is your best bet. For those seeking an affordable and accessible version that covers the essential parts of the story, Martin Palmer’s abridgement might be the way to go. Yu Sumei’s translation strikes a balance between readability and fidelity to the original, making it a great choice for casual readers or those new to Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Meanwhile, Brewitt-Taylor’s version, though outdated, offers a glimpse into how early English readers encountered the text.
