
Medieval Estate for Sale in Tuscany

Agnelli-Piaggio Estate
Tuscany, Italy
Asking Price: €16,000,000

Nestled between Florence, Pisa, and the sea, this magnificent 15th-century estate in Tuscany offers a perfect blend of medieval history and timeless elegance. Spanning nearly 400 hectares, it features a grand manor house and several farmhouses, with private chapels, vineyards, and a rich historical legacy. Once the residence of the prominent Agnelli-Piaggio family, the property, now for sale at 16 million euros, is represented by Lionard Luxury Real Estate.

Photo Courtesy of Lionard

Designed by renowned Medici architect Bartolomeo Ammannati, the main villa was completed in 1589. However, the estate’s history dates back to 1406, when it was granted to Gino di Neri Capponi by the Republic of Florence for his victory over Pisa. The grandeur of the villa, with its impressive main hall, was meant to reflect Capponi’s position of power. For centuries, the illustrious Capponi family maintained the estate, and in the 19th century, it became a favorite residence of historian Gino Capponi, who hosted literary figures such as Alessandro Manzoni.

Photo Courtesy of Lionard

In the mid-20th century, the villa entered a new era when Enrico Piaggio, known for revolutionizing postwar Italy with his iconic Vespa, purchased it as a family retreat. It became a place of relaxation and elegance, hosting prominent figures like actor Marcello Mastroianni and fashion designer Emilio Pucci. The estate also witnessed the 1959 wedding of Antonella Bechi Piaggio and Umberto Agnelli, sealing its status as a social hub.

Photo Courtesy of Lionard

The property boasts 25 hectares of lush Italian gardens, including ancient trees, a labyrinth, a tennis court, and even an all-wood bowling alley from the 1950s. Surrounding the estate are 10 hectares of vineyards producing organic Syrah wines, a passion project initiated by Giovanni Alberto Agnelli in the 1990s. The estate’s wine production, with its biodynamic approach, adds another layer to its historical and cultural significance.

Photo Courtesy of Lionard

With its blend of medieval roots, Renaissance architecture, and modern luxury, this estate stands as a testament to Tuscany’s rich history and enduring charm.

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