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New Medieval Books: The Misadventures of Master Mugwort

The Misadventures of Master Mugwort: A Joke Book Trilogy from Imperial China

By Su Shi, Lu Cai, Tu Benjun
Translated by Elizabeth Smithrosser

Oxford University Press
ISBN: 978-0-19-758560-3

This book of humorous stories revolving around the character of Master Mugwort was first written in the 11th century, then had additions in both the 16th and 17th centuries. From wisecracks to counselling kings, our protagonist gives us a lot of laughs.


The Master Mugwort collections take the form of an assortment of snapshots from the life of their eponymous protagonist. Eclectic in the scenarios they depict, the episodes do not follow a chronological sequence and vary in length, ranging from a few lines to several pages. Amid this unpredictable cascade of seventy-six encounters, the presence of our esteemed Master is the single constant. The imagined Warring States world through which we accompany him is distant and unfamiliar, yet uncanningly recognizable in terms of the bizarre workings of power, society, and human folly. We observe how the Master navigates these, we learn from his aphorisms, guidance, and quips, and are privy to his disrepair and anger, but above all, bemusement.


Who is this book for?

The academic audience for this book will usually be those studying medieval Chinese literature, but it should also find many more readers just for being a collection of fun stories.

The translator:

Elizabeth Smithrosser is a Departmental Lecturer in Chinese at the University of Oxford. She is also a columnist on – click here to read her articles.


Elizabeth explains why she wanted to translate this joke book trilogy: “I first became interested in the character of Mugwort himself as an alternative, playful reception of the classical legacy that was repeatedly taken up in later time periods against very different historical backdrops. Putting them together as a ‘trilogy’ allows readers to observe that continuity, but also some fascinating differences, which are due partly to the individual sense of humor and writing style of the respective authors, and partly to the fact that these works function on some level as a critique of the times in which they were written.”

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