
The Gold Route to Timbuktu: Tracing Medieval Camel Caravan Networks from Morocco to Mali

The Gold Route to Timbuktu: Tracing Medieval Camel Caravan Networks from Morocco to Mali

Lecture by Sam Nixon

Given at Harvard University on February 20, 2019

Overview: Sam Nixon explores the development of the medieval-era camel caravan trade across the Sahara which gave rise to Timbuktu, a commerce fuelled by the riches of West African gold and part of a wider global trade network stretching as far as the Central Asian Silk Road. Alongside a broad overview of this topic, Dr Nixon also introduces his own archaeological excavations along the medieval trans-Saharan camel-caravan routes, both at the market town of Tadmekka in Mali, and a new collaborative research project at the oasis and silver mining centre of Tamdult in southern Morocco.

Click here to view Sam Nixon’s webpage at University College London 

Top Image: Detail from the Catalan Atlas Sheet 6 showing the Western Sahara