
Scroll through the Bayeux Tapestry with this facsimile edition

Our friends at Facsimile Finder have created this video that shows them scrolling through a special facsimile version of the Bayeux Tapestry.

Published in 2016 by The Folio Society with the aim of making it
accessible to libraries and private collectors, the facsimile reproduces the whole cloth in a reduced format (60% of the actual size) and it’s placed in an ingenious wooden display box which allows you to scroll it by handles.

The Bayeux Tapestry, also known as Tapisserie de Bayeux, is a beautiful example of skillfully embroidered cloth preserved in the town of Bayeux, Normandy, France. The tapestry, taking its name after the French town, was probably produced in England, and unfortunately, the exact date remains unclear.

The tapestry tells the events that took place between 1064-1066, ending with the battle of Hastings. The two main protagonists are Harold Godwinson, King of England and William, Duke of Normandy, also known as William the Conqueror.

The facsimile is still available in very few copies through Facsimile Finder. You can visit or contact [email protected]